Do nurses at your facility complain they are overworked and understaffed? If so, you may have a bigger problem than retention on your hands compelling new evidence suggests poor nursing conditions put patients in danger.
If you still are doing last-minute ramp-up preparation for Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations surveys, youre going to have big problems with the Shared Visions New Pathways process, warns Lynne Adams, CPHQ, director of quality at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air, MD.
Theres no denying that paying close attention to performance measures can improve patient safety at your organization, but heres another powerful motivator: Your core measure data will have a wider audience this summer when the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations begins making its Quality Reports publicly available.
New HIV epidemics in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and China are spreading fast due to injection drug use (IDU) transmission, and these epidemics will continue to escalate unless the United Nations and individual countries make major policy changes, a new report charges.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMS) of Princeton, NJ, recently showed through concept data that an attachment inhibitor BMS-488043 can have potent antiviral activity in HIV-1-infected patients.
While pharmaceutical companies and investigators work for a medication solution to the lipodystrophy and other metabolic disorders that plague some HIV patients, other research is looking into nonmedical solutions, such as vitamin use and exercise.
Recent research has shown that the microbicide field is alive with an array of prevention approaches to stopping HIV transmission during sexual intercourse. However, most researchers admit that while the pipeline of microbicide research is further along than the vaccine pipeline, it still could be five to 10 years before the ideal candidate is marketed.
Plan now to attend the HIV Prevention Leadership Summit, scheduled for June 16-19, 2004, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.
Check the following web sites to get teen-friendly information to share with your adolescent patients.
Circle Aug. 12-15, 2004, on the calendar for the Minority Womens Health Summit sponsored by the Office of Public Health and Science, Office on Womens Health. The summit, Women of Color, Taking Action for a Healthier Life: Progress, Partnerships and Possibilities, will build upon the first national conference held in 1997.